[Ubuntu-ch] After the Release Party...
Matthias Stürmer
mailinglists at stuermer.ch
Mon Nov 12 16:26:10 GMT 2007
Am Montag, den 12.11.2007, 15:29 +0100 schrieb Patrick Murena:
> > I think we need to grow somewhat - and we should do so by
> coordination
> > and cooperation, not by trying to superimpose us because of our
> > "official LoCo Team" status. In that light, I now see my harsh
> criticism
> > of the "ubuntu swiss remix CD" with some remorse and I'd like to
> offer
> > my apologies to /ch/open and say: Thank you very much!
> >
> Agreed and thanks for the CD but I still believe that Ubuntu related
> things shouldn't happen in Switzerland with out at least inform us.
> But we can blame nobody about that, if we would be more known this
> would be done naturally.
Thanks Marc and Patrick for your comments about the Swiss Remix. Sorry
again from my side not to inform on time about this issue. So let me say
it on time for the next release: If things turn our as planned (= we
distribute the 2000 CDs successfully) then I'd like to produce a
follow-up of 8.04 next April. Therefore please let me know what we
should change and if possible do the changes directly in the shell
script: http://daniel.debian.net/images/ch-open/7.10-desktop
Second I suggest to do more marketing for the next release party. One
option we can offer is a full or half page within the next OpenExpo
booklet. It's printed (20'000 copies) in January 2008 as a preview for
the OpenExpo on March 12/13 in Bern. I know it's very early but if you
have the date and place of the next public party ready by the end of
November you can have an announcement incl. pictures/logo in the
booklet. This was the previous booklet:
In this context I can also announce that there will be a Linux / Open
Source Install Zone (organized by Puzzle) on Wed March 12, 2008 at the
next OpenExpo. So if you have any chance to help out 2h or more during
the day please contact us at contact at openexpo.ch. Of course this is also
a opportunity to advertise the upcoming party in April.
Best, Matthias
Matthias Stürmer | matthias at stuermer.ch | http://stuermer.ch
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