[Ubuntu-ch] Swiss Ubuntu forums

Didier Raboud didier at raboud.com
Sun May 13 19:47:08 BST 2007

On Sunday 13 May 2007 20.16:04 Tormod Volden wrote:
> On 5/13/07, Didier Raboud <didier at raboud.com> wrote:
> > I would just like to "defend" the Swisslinux.org distro forums. In my
> > point of view, these forums are more a way to classify the topics. The
> > Swisslinux members are using a large panel of distributions (and some are
> > changing pretty often) and the idea is to have a non-distribution
> > specific place to ask questions. But for clarity, topics are classified
> > per distro.
> So, in which cases would you recommmend a Ubuntu user to ask a
> question on the swisslinux.org Ubuntu forum, instead of asking on
> ubuntu-fr.org? I am afraid all these choices make it more difficult
> for a newbie rather than easier.

Well... In my opinion, these tech forums are secondary regarding the goals of 
Swisslinux.org, but still unavoidable. They are part of our self-fixed 
objective to support and help Linux users in Switzerland. 

I feel that most of the new members (or the "one question and then away" ones) 
come to us after searches on different forums and that their post on 
Swisslinux.org often like "last hope". There are certainly non-answered 
problems, but I think most of them are answered in a pretty small timeframe. 
In every case, if the problem cannot be answered, we certainly will redirect 
the questioner to a distro-specific website.

So, answering your original question : If the user is interested in the 
(non-distro-specific) future of Linux in Switzerland AND has any technical 
question, he should ask on Swisslinux.org. If he is interested in his 
technical problem only, or if his general concern is distro-specific, he 
should go to his distro-specific forum.

> I hope it's clear that I am only sceptical to the Ubuntu forum on
> swisslinux.org, not the other forums there. I guess the same logic
> goes for all distributions that have official forums other places, but
> I don't know them enough to comment on it.

No matter the distro... The problem is general : what is the sense of a 
distro-specific forum (more generally, a technical one)  on a region-specific 
website ? I very clearly understand your point of view and your fears but 
Swisslinux.org explores a different one. You'll have to live with that. (You 
can still become a member and come IRL to an anual assembly with a 
resolution, (pay some other members if necessary) and then done... :-).)

> I would suggest putting a link there (or a "sticky" post) to encourage
> people to ask their technical Ubuntu questions on e.g. ubuntu-fr where
> they will have a greater audience.

Thanks for the suggestion, but I don't think, in our vision, that it has any 
sense. But If you want to meet us at the Linuxdays, be welcome and expose us 
your point of view ! :-)

> However, I see some value for posting technical question about the
> Swiss ADSL modems and ISPs for instance, which has a more narrow
> target audience.
> > As you certainly saw, Swisslinux.org wants to do a lot more than just
> > technical support (which is certainly secondary): we will be present at
> > the Linuxdays in Geneva, we have taken contacts with hardware vendors
> > (these computers will certainly be under a Ubuntu flavor), ...
> > Swisslinux.org maybe seems ambitious, but the main goal is the promotion
> > and support of Linux in general, and nothing distro-specific. The
> > technical support is part of that goal and therefor we have a Ubuntu
> > forum.
> These are wonderful projects that I hope as many as possible here on
> the list will take a look at. Please don't hesitate to post news and
> information about them here on the ubuntu-ch list, at least if they
> involve Ubuntu to some degree!

We certainly will !

> > As you certainly saw too, Sl.org had number of IRL meetings, which are
> > (in my opinion) much more productive than any IRC meeting...
> Sl.org is an advertisement site, swisslinux.org is far more interesting :)

Thanks for the notice, I took note. :-)

> > So, our motto could be summarized in: "Linux for human beings (which
> > appreciate Real Life too) in Switzerland". ;-)
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > Didier, Swisslinux.org member
> And let me redefine "ubuntu": We are what we are because of what we do
> together :)
> Greetings,
> Tormod

I do know that very well... But thank you anyway.

Best regards, 


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