[Ubuntu-ch] Welcome to SwissTeam member #100 !

Myriam Rita Schweingruber schweingruber at pharma-traduction.ch
Sun Jun 10 22:40:21 BST 2007

Welcome Spirandelli!

you are SwissTeam member #100 and it's a great pleasure to welcome you in our 
*cheers* *ticker tape* *firework*

On behalf of all the other team members I wish you a nice journey into the 
Ubuntu world.
Please join us on IRC #ubuntu.ch (on freenode.net) and on this mailinglist if 
you wish and check out our website at www.ubuntu-ch.org



Protect your freedom, join the Fellowship of FSFE!
Please don't send me proprietary file formats,
use ISO standard ODF instead (ISO/IEC 26300)
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