[Ubuntu-ch] OpenExpo IRC meeting on Thursday

Tormod Volden lists.tormod at gmail.com
Lun 29 Jan 22:04:27 GMT 2007

Dear all,
I would like to invite you to an IRC meeting this Thursday, where we
will talk about what we will do on the OpenExpo.

The meeting will of course be in our channel #ubuntu-ch on Freenode
(irc://freenode/%23ubuntu-ch for you chatzilla fans).

We will try to have sessions in three different languages:
20:00 - 20:55 English spoken
21:00 - 21:55 Man spricht Deutsch
22:00 - 22:55 On parle francais

(The order is just because I know you go to bed later in the west :)
The sun sets later there, doesn't it?)

This way more people can enjoy the discussions without being hindered
by language. I will summarize ideas onto the wiki page, the best I
can. I don't believe the sessions will last 55 minutes, it's just
spread out so we can fill in some eating, writing, rest etc in between
for those who want to join all sessions. Please join on time.

If you already have some ideas, please add them to the wiki already!

If you think that you will be able to assist during the expo, please
add your name to the wiki as well. Don't be afraid, so far it's not
legally binding to sign up :)

(IR)C you then,

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