[Ubuntu-ch] Would like to become involved in Swiss Ubuntu Group

emonkey emonkey at gmx.ch
Mer 24 Jan 12:12:56 GMT 2007

Hi all,

My name is Carlos aka emonkey. I'm from Winterthur and I'm part of the German 
speaking Kubuntu Team. It would be a pleasure for me to be involved in a 
Swiss *buntu group too. The OpenExpo is on 7-8 March and some days ago there 
were two mails about on this list. (see attachement)

My biggest problem is my poor French skills. Because of that I never wrote 
something on this list and I didn't joined the swisslinux.org forum either.

I think there are more people out there who want to collaborate. Maybe the 
OpenExpo is a good chance to meet some of them. Yes, there's a meeting on 
this friday in Lausanne, but unfortunately it's impossible for me to be 
there. 3 hours one way is sadly too much... Expect of this, I've history 
lessons on friday till 7.40 pm.

Well... there's a much to discuss. Maybe we should have a meeting on 
#swisslinux on freenode? I think this would be a great chance too see who are  
all the swisslinux people, who want's to be involved and how we can create a 
better collaboration between the different languages in Switzerland.

I'm not official a swisslinux member or something like that. My arguments and 
opinion which I've just wrote in this mail are only some personal ideas.

yis Carlos / emonkey

Am Mittwoch, 24. Januar 2007 10:45 schrieb Rashunda Tramble:
> Hi everyone,
> My name is Rashunda and I'm new to the list and to Ubuntu. I live in
> Zurich.  I would like to get involved with the Swiss group. More
> specifically, I'd love to attend the upcoming Open Expo.
> If anyone could give me information on how to become involved, please let
> me know.
> Best regards,
> Rashunda
-------------- nächster Teil --------------
Ein Dateianhang mit Binärdaten wurde abgetrennt...
Von: "Tormod Volden" <lists.tormod at gmail.com>
Betreff: [Ubuntu-ch] OpenExpo Stand 7./8. March in Bern
Datum: Wed, 17 Jan 2007 23:04:19 +0100
Größe: 4774
URL: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-ch/attachments/20070124/a284423b/attachment.eml 
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Ein Dateianhang mit Binärdaten wurde abgetrennt...
Von: WaVeR <debian at hispeed.ch>
Betreff: Re: [Ubuntu-ch] OpenExpo Stand 7./8. March in Bern
Datum: Fri, 19 Jan 2007 08:01:40 +0100
Größe: 5507
URL: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-ch/attachments/20070124/a284423b/attachment-0001.eml 
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