[Ubuntu-ch] OpenExpo IRC meeting tonight (February 1st)

Carlos Diener carlos at diener.li
Mar 6 Fév 11:46:35 GMT 2007


Unfortunately I've missed the meeting. Is there some log?
Maybe it's would be possible that I can be there too.


Carlos / emonkey

Am Donnerstag, 1. Februar 2007 schrieb Tormod Volden:
> Hi everybody,
> Please don't forget tonight's meeting in #ubuntu-ch. It's our first
> scheduled meeting in our IRC channel! It would be nice if as many as
> possible would attend the first (English spoken) session at 20:00, if
> only to lurk around.
> Agenda:
> 1. Make sure we have enough people for the OpenExpo stand
> 2. Poster ideas
> 3. Other activities on the stand
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SwissTeam/OpenExpo2007
> If you can't attend the IRC meeting, but are interested in the
> OpenExpo, send me (or the list) an e-mail or add yourself (and your
> ideas) to the wiki.
> Best regards,
> Tormod
> On 1/29/07, Tormod Volden <lists.tormod at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Dear all,
> > I would like to invite you to an IRC meeting this Thursday, where we
> > will talk about what we will do on the OpenExpo.
> >
> > The meeting will of course be in our channel #ubuntu-ch on Freenode
> > (irc://freenode/%23ubuntu-ch for you chatzilla fans).
> >
> > We will try to have sessions in three different languages:
> > 20:00 - 20:55 English spoken
> > 21:00 - 21:55 Man spricht Deutsch
> > 22:00 - 22:55 On parle francais
> >
> > (The order is just because I know you go to bed later in the west :)
> > The sun sets later there, doesn't it?)
> >
> > This way more people can enjoy the discussions without being hindered
> > by language. I will summarize ideas onto the wiki page, the best I
> > can. I don't believe the sessions will last 55 minutes, it's just
> > spread out so we can fill in some eating, writing, rest etc in between
> > for those who want to join all sessions. Please join on time.
> >
> > If you already have some ideas, please add them to the wiki already!
> >
> > If you think that you will be able to assist during the expo, please
> > add your name to the wiki as well. Don't be afraid, so far it's not
> > legally binding to sign up :)
> >
> > (IR)C you then,
> > Tormod

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