[Ubuntu-ch] SwissTeam contact persons
Nicolas Borboën
nbo at donax.ch
Ven 2 Fév 10:43:14 GMT 2007
Tormod Volden wrote:
> On 2/2/07, Nicolas Borboën <nbo at donax.ch> wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> I would like to add myself to the SwissTeam but I was wondering where to
>> get CDs, stickers, or another promotional objects of ubuntu. Does the
>> persons who offer CDs get them from shipit?
>> Cheers
> Hi Nicolas,
> Great that you will join the team. Yes, you can order CDs from shipit
> if you like, or burn them yourself.
> If we would get a great demand for CDs, maybe we can organize
> something together, but so far everybody just takes care of it the way
> they like.
> We'll maybe make a larger ship-it order for the OpenExpo, and
> leftovers can be distributed among us. But normally they ship Dapper,
> so personally I rather prefer to burn more up-to-date Edgy CDs if
> anyone asks.
Even if the delivered version is dapper it have always a good impact
when the given Cd is in a pretty packaging. People who received the CD
thinks it's a real fully functional "commercial" thing with something
In the same idea, I think that to distribute ubuntu's goodies is also a
good means of promotion.
> We might also make some flyers or brochures for OpenExpo, that we can
> use for general promotion.
For the openexpo: why the English part of the site is not up to date?
Nicolas Borboën // nbo at donax.ch // http://blog.donax.ch
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