[Ubuntu-ch] CD ordering was Re: SwissTeam contact persons
Myriam Schweingruber
schweingruber at pharma-traduction.ch
Ven 2 Fév 09:08:17 GMT 2007
Le Freitag, 2. Februar 2007, Nicolas Borboën a écrit :
> Tormod Volden wrote:
> > Hi all contact persons,
> > Please make sure you can be contacted!
> Hi folks,
> I would like to add myself to the SwissTeam but I was wondering where to
> get CDs, stickers, or another promotional objects of ubuntu. Does the
> persons who offer CDs get them from shipit?
At least I did. As a team, we can also get more from ShipIt for events, etc.
I was suggesting to centralise or at least group the CD orders for the Team,
but I'm not sure if anybody has seen this...
Greets, Myriam
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