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Hi Mac, I turned off visual effects in desktop and the screen still freezes but the display does not darken as before also I noticed in left bottom corner of screen that I get : javascript:void(0) showing up.?<br><br>> From: dhltd@telus.net<br>> To: ubuntu-ca@lists.ubuntu.com<br>> Subject: RE: problems with video clips. (ray house)<br>> Date: Mon, 20 Apr 2009 07:26:25 -0700<br>> <br>> <br>> ><br>> > Today's Topics:<br>> ><br>> > 1. RE: problems with video clips. (ray house)<br>> ><br>> ><br>> > ----------------------------------------------------------------------<br>> ><br>> > Message: 1<br>> > Date: Mon, 20 Apr 2009 09:26:32 -0400<br>> > From: ray house <v.2.ol@hotmail.com><br>> > Subject: RE: problems with video clips.<br>> > To: help & resources <ubuntu-ca@lists.ubuntu.com><br>> > Message-ID: <BAY102-W13215FBC5CE2195CDFD8288760@phx.gbl><br>> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"<br>> ><br>> ><br>> > Hi everyone, it's Ray again, thank you David,Glen,Chris and Mac for all the<br>> > great info you took the time to send me. Glen, the W32codecs are<br>> > installed.Chris, I am using your suggested settings.David, I installed the<br>> > Meta package and Mac, I checked the Ubuntu forum and I have the right<br>> > packages.I have java-common 0.30ubuntu3 and flash player installed. Here is<br>> > the situation; I am using a new Dell Vostro computer with Vista installed<br>> > and I installed Ubuntu 8.1 along side it (to get used to linux). In Ubuntu<br>> > I get Google videos OK but the screen intensity lowers and all freezes when<br>> > I try to get youtube videos.When I am in Vista all types of video are<br>> > displayed correctly. I dont know what is going on.I really appreciate all<br>> > your help and I like linux and will probably get rid of Vista if I can<br>> > resolve this problem. I am not a programmer and cant figure this out alone.<br>> > Thank you.<br>> ><br>> > Date: Sun, 19 Apr 2009 14:16:49 -0300<br>> > From: gmerrick@chebucto.ns.ca<br>> > To: ubuntu-ca@lists.ubuntu.com<br>> > Subject: RE: problems with video clips.<br>> ><br>> <br>> I know your frustration but there is an answer somewhere and you will <br>> eventually find it. <br>> <br>> You did not mention if you are using No-Script or other script blocking apps. <br>> Like Glenn mentioned, the symptoms sound exactly like No-Script preventing an <br>> action.<br>> <br>> Just grasping at straws here but since your system seems to be running out of <br>> resources when attempting to play the clip, just for the heck of it check to <br>> see if your desktop display is using visual effects and if so try turning <br>> them off to see if that makes any difference. <br>> <br>> Right click on the desktop to bring up the option menu<br>> Click "Change Desktop Background"<br>> Select the "Visual Effects" tab and then <br>> Select "None" if it is not already defaulted to none.<br>> <br>> Mac <br>> <br>> <br>> <br>> <br>> <br>> -- <br>> ubuntu-ca mailing list<br>> ubuntu-ca@lists.ubuntu.com<br>> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-ca<br><br /><hr />Messenger has tons of new features that make chatting more fun. <a href='http://go.microsoft.com/?linkid=9650730' target='_new'>Click here to learn more.</a></body>