<table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0' ><tr><td valign='top' style='font: inherit;'>I ended up wiping the drive, reformatting everything (still 2 partitions) and reinstalling the system again. :( That seemed to be the only way.<br><br>First I tried to just delete user accounts, then reformat the larger partition. Fortunately my backup is only 2 days old.<br><br>But that made things only worse! I couldn't redo the accounts properly on the system - and it didn't make any sense. The problem got so bad I could only boot in command-line mode and then when I commanded the system to restart (or reboot, whichever it is), then it went to the graphical login screen!<br><br>I know I repartitioned and reformatted before. I don't know what went wrong.<br><br>Funny, this time 8.04 worked! I was curious so I gave it one more try. The self-check on the CD said it was ok. So I tried to reinstall 8.04 and this time it worked.<br><br>The only glitch was that
from my initial account it wouldn't let me access System/Administration/Login window.<br><br>To do changes to the login window as I prefer them, I ended up going into terminal window, typing "su" and entering the password I already assigned the super user.<br><br>Then I typed into the terminal window "gksu /usr/sbin/gdmsetup" (which I copied out of the Login Window when I got properties on it).<br><br>Then that allowed me to change things about the login window so I can login as root through the same login window and not have to waste time doing that silly rebooting nonsense into recovery mode.<br><br>But now when I go to set up my web server stuff, I follow the exact same instructions that I printed out when I got 7.10 working with PHP, Apache and MySQL....and I'm getting lousy performance.<br><br>http://georutkay.homelinux.org/test.php doesn't work, it claims it can't find the file but I know that's baloney - it's right there:
/var/www/test.php<br><br>Also I can't see my subdirectories. http://georutkay.homelinux.org/Projects/ should lead me to two further subdirectories which I know exist in /var/www/<br><br>I get the same results if I use http://localhost instead of http://georutkay.homelinux.org<br><br>The subdirectories are not being shown and I don't know why. I have permissions set to read only for /var/www but even when I tried and set it to read-write, it still didn't make any difference!<br><br>Help?<br><br>geo<br></td></tr></table><br>