<table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0' background='none' style='font-family:arial;font-size:10pt;color:rgb(51, 51, 51);background-color:rgb(255, 255, 255);width:100%;'><tr><td valign='top' style='font: inherit;'>Which email and web browser are you using? In most cases you can move manually move the email and bookmarks, provided that you aren't moving between different applications. <br>However now since I may be using anyone of 4 different machines on any given day. I use webmail "yahoo, gmail" and del.icio.us I am a little busy these next few days, but I will have more time this weekend. Feel free to ask for more help. <br><br>And I know a lot of people don't like this firefox addon "Torrent-Search Toolbar". But for me it is great because it locally stores all my webmail accounts and passwords. This allows me to easily monitor a dozen different email accounts. <br><br><br><br><br>--- On <b>Mon, 5/26/08, Alfred
<i><alfred.s@nexicom.net></i></b> wrote:<br><blockquote style="border-left: 2px solid rgb(16, 16, 255); margin-left: 5px; padding-left: 5px;">From: Alfred <alfred.s@nexicom.net><br>Subject: Re: Upgrading to Ubuntu 8.04?<br>To: tdwebste2@yahoo.com, "The Canadian Ubuntu Users Community" <ubuntu-ca@lists.ubuntu.com>, "R. Wood" <rw@ncf.ca><br>Date: Monday, May 26, 2008, 6:50 AM<br><br><pre>Hi R. Wood & Timothy Webster & The Canadian Ubuntu Users Community: <br><br>I played with 7.10 a bit more, and got the repository thing to a point<br>where, the 8.04 upgrade listing does not show, but hovering over the<br>Upgrade Icon, it says that there are 577 upgrades. So I still need to<br>play with this some more, to fix this. I've done many installs of Ubuntu<br>on various machines, but I'm not the kind of expert that you are<br>Timothy. Wiping out the previous Version before installing the next one,<br>I've had bad experiences with
this, when the Backup had an error, and<br>then I lost everything, to the previous Backup Mr. R. Wood. When they<br>are side by side, I can copy over most things, without problems, and<br>when there is no more need for the previous version, then I get rid of<br>it. Giving me about 100 Gigs of extra Disk space for something else.<br><br>Then I did a Manual Partition on an adjacent 100 Gig Partition, and then<br>played with my cables until the CDrom Drive worked again, and then<br>installed Ubuntu 8.04 into this new 100 Gig Partition, leaving the 7.10<br>Partition in tact. The settings for EVO and Firefox were copied and<br>transferred over to 8.04, automatically. I had to re-enter my ISP mail<br>settings, in 8.04. I tried to enter new CD's for the sources, but now my<br>DVD Drive is not reading, even though the CDRom drive now is. Might be<br>that one of the Jumpers needs to be replaced. I'll try to figure this<br>out later today. The Mail, and the
Bookmarks from 7.10 were not<br>transferred. Everything is still there is 7.10 ready to be copied over.<br>This worked much better than installing over-top of 7.10.<br><br>Security errors that I had in 7.10 before making the upgrades, are now<br>fixed, and I no longer get Certificate errors, the way I did before, I<br>did 190 upgrades to it on Dial-up.<br><br>Alfred!<br>-----Original Message-----<br>From: Timothy Webster <tdwebste2@yahoo.com><br>Reply-To: tdwebste2@yahoo.com, The Canadian Ubuntu Users Community<br><ubuntu-ca@lists.ubuntu.com><br>To: The Canadian Ubuntu Users Community <ubuntu-ca@lists.ubuntu.com><br>Subject: Re: Upgrading to Ubuntu 8.04?<br>Date: Mon, 26 May 2008 00:01:12 -0700 (PDT)<br><br>I disagree, there is no need to wipe and reinstall to upgrade to ubuntu<br>8.04. <br><br><br>Look at the upgrade list and upgrade a few at a time. With extra care to<br>things which include major changes, so read those change list
too. Also<br>keep an eye on what extra stuff it is trying to install or remove. This<br>is much easier to do if you only upgrade a few packages at a time.<br><br>Divide the upgrade into little upgrades like it was met to be and you<br>will have no problems. Yes it will take a little longer, but does it<br>really mater that it took a dozen little upgrades and worked.<br><br>If you apply debian dpkgs to ubuntu or ubuntu dpkgs to debian, you will<br>need to watch dependences and conflicts. Only do this if you are brave,<br>have lots of time to debug things. It is actually easier in many cases<br>to pull the source dpkg and auto build the dpkg and install it. If you<br>want to mix distros.<br><br>--- On Sun, 5/25/08, R. Wood <rw@ncf.ca> wrote:<br> From: R. Wood <rw@ncf.ca><br> Subject: Re: Upgrading to Ubuntu 8.04?<br> To: "The Canadian Ubuntu Users Community"<br> <ubuntu-ca@lists.ubuntu.com><br> Date:
Sunday, May 25, 2008, 8:34 PM<br> <br> -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----<br> Hash: SHA1<br> <br> Allegedly, on Sat, May 24, 2008 at 07:39:44AM -0400, Alfred stated:<br> > Hi Andrew & The Canadian Ubuntu Users<br> Community:<br> > <br> > I went to /etc/apt/sources.list and unchecked all the Hardy CD and<br>DVD<br> > items, and then reverted in checking all the Gutsy items. Then<br>when I<br> > took a look in Update all 577 updates were no longer listed. Thank<br>you<br> > for this answer it seems to be what I was looking for. However in<br>just a<br> > few minutes all 577 items returned, so there must be some other<br>form of<br> > backup list.<br> [snip]<br> <br> Hi Alfred,<br> <br> I recommend you do a clean install of whatever latest version of Ubu<br> you're trying to install.<br>
<br> Ubu seems to have broken the old Debian mantra 'install once,<br>upgrade<br> forever' approach AFAICT (that's one of the reasons why I went<br>back to<br> Debian in the end actually). In your case it is even more pressing<br> since you left your system 'unpatched' for so long, ignoring<br>available<br> security updates. There is no way I would trust your system anymore.<br> In addition you were<br> applying Debian packages to your Ubu system IIRC --<br> and this is never recommended.<br> <br> My advice (take it or leave it): Backup your data, do a completely<br>fresh<br> install, copy your data back, and then this time apply security updates<br> promptly so your system is protected against evil crackers, and stick<br>to<br> the Ubu respositories...<br> <br> My $0.02,<br> Raymond<br> - -- <br> "Be Nice, or Leave - By
Order of the Management"<br> (Sign above door, Black Sheep Inn, Wakefield)<br> GPG Fingerprint: 2E4D 8605 DD48 E80F F893 1C02 B65D 86D9 3B3C 0E03<br> Encrypted Email Preferred | War is BIG Business: Enough Excuses,<br>Peace Now!<br> Bush-whacked 2004! Try to relax and enjoy the Chaos :-) | Free Tibet<br> -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----<br> Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)<br> <br> iD8DBQFIOgWwtl2G2Ts8DgMRAiQ6AKDRxt3QYilGVkJQ69P4JVTzmApJzACeNhtF<br> 0s81mCDYBf+o1pOcDsS/ufs=<br> =tDFM<br> -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----<br> <br> -- <br> ubuntu-ca mailing<br> list<br> ubuntu-ca@lists.ubuntu.com<br> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-ca</pre></blockquote></td></tr></table><br>