I decided to install Avira AntiVir today and after downloading and running the install I am unable to run the avguard because it says Dazuko is not properly installed. I installed the Dazuko source along with module-assistant but when I run the module assistant I get the following error.
<br><br>dh_clean ↑ <br> │ dh_clean ▮ <br> │ /usr/bin/make clean ▒
<br> │ make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/modules/dazuko' ▒ <br> │ make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/modules/dazuko' ▒ <br> │ rm -rf .tmp_versions Makefile debian/control.backup ▒
<br> │ /usr/bin/make -f debian/rules kdist_clean kdist_config binary-modules ▒ <br> │ make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/modules/dazuko' ▒ <br> │ dh_clean ▒
<br> │ dh_clean ▒ <br> │ /usr/bin/make clean ▒ <br> │ make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/src/modules/dazuko' ▒
<br> │ make[2]: *** No rule to make target `clean'. Stop. ▒ <br> │ make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/modules/dazuko' ▒ <br> │ make[1]: [kdist_clean] Error 2 (ignored)
<br>rm -rf .tmp_versions Makefile debian/control.backup ↑ <br> │ for templ in ; do \ ▒ <br> │ cp $templ `echo $templ | sed -e 's/_KVERS_/2.6.20-16-generic/g'` ; \ ▒
<br> │ done ▒ <br> │ for templ in `ls debian/*.modules.in` ; do \ ▒ <br> │ test -e ${templ%.modules.in}.backup || cp ${templ%.modules.in} ▒
<br> │ ${templ%.modules.in}.backup 2>/dev/null || true; \ ▒ <br> │ sed -e 's/##KVERS##/2.6.20-16-generic/g ▒ <br> │ ;s/#KVERS#/2.6.20-16-generic/g ; s/_KVERS_/2.6.20-16-generic/g ; ▒
<br> │ s/##KDREV##/2.6.20-16.29/g ; s/#KDREV#/2.6.20-16.29/g ; ▮ <br> │ s/_KDREV_/2.6.20-16.29/g ' < $templ > ${templ%.modules.in}; \ ▒ <br> │ done ▒
<br> │ ./configure --without-library --without-example-c ▒ <br> │ checking host system type... Linux ▒ <br> │ checking for make utility... ok (make)
<br>checking for C compiler... ok (gcc-4.1) ▒ <br> │ kernel source in /lib/modules/2.6.20-16-generic/build... yes ▒ <br> │ acquiring Linux kernel code configuration... ok ▒
<br> │ .: 1565: linux.config: not found ▒ <br> │ make[1]: *** [kdist_config] Error 2 ▒ <br> │ make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/modules/dazuko' ▮
<br> │ make: *** [kdist_build] Error 2 <br><br>Now I didn't read the instructions too well to begin so I ended up installing AntiVir before dazuko but it should have been the opposite way. <br><br>Any ideas or do I need to remove Antivir (not sure how) and start from scratch?
<br><br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Dennis d'Entremont<br><br>