
Stephen M. Webb stephen.webb at bregmasoft.ca
Sat Oct 10 00:58:21 UTC 2015

On 15-10-09 08:29 PM, Raymond House wrote:
> Hi all, what do you think of the new com.platform Ring? <http://ring.cx> it
> is supposed to be decentralised and quite secure.


I would have reservations about scalability and privacy.

The unique feature is the distributed nature of the directory, and once a connection is set up it's just all the usual
standard protocols for telecommunications.  Unfortunately, it's the directory service itself that would have problems
with scalability and privacy.    I would leave it to experts for more in-depth analysis of those issues though.

I like the idea of using free software for this and of casting off the yoke of centralized corporate control of the
aetherwaves though.

Stephen M. Webb  <stephen.webb at bregmasoft.ca>

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