
Stephen M. Webb stephen.webb at canonical.com
Thu May 21 11:58:52 UTC 2015

On 15-05-21 06:56 AM, Raymond House wrote:
> Hi Steve, I do the upgrades the usual way through the software manager and the warnings I get during the files unpacking
> process say that I should use a command that is (way too long to get down) to temporarily fix the problem, the speed at
> which this going there is no way I could do that, besides I don't know how!

It sounds like some packages got messed up at some point (eg. things installed from a third-party source not supported
by Ubuntu, etc).  The first thing to try is usually to ask apt-get to try to fix itself.

To do that, open a Terminal and type "sudo apt-get install -f" and hit return.  It will ask you for your password, then
attempt to resolve or remove broken packages.  It will also post errors that you can highlight with the mouse and
cut-and-paste into a mail message if you need more help.

The "-f" passed to "apt-get" means "try to fix things up" and the "install" is just required because, well, because it
is.  You need to run "apt-get" using "sudo" because you need elevated administrator privileges to write to your system
configuration files.

Stephen M. Webb  <stephen.webb at canonical.com>

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