Fwd: Laptops and 14.04 upgrade path

Darcy Casselman dscassel at gmail.com
Mon May 5 18:47:06 UTC 2014

On Mon, May 5, 2014 at 2:31 PM, Stephen M. Webb
<stephen.webb at canonical.com>wrote:

> Upgrading from LTS to LTS (ie. 12.054 LTS to 14.04 LTS) is fully
> supported.  It should just work.

With the caveat that you likely won't be prompted until 14.04.1 comes out
in July.  The upgrade is absolutely supported, but you may need to
temporarily switch to "every release" upgrade mode to get the prompt.

As for laptops, my recommendation is to always buy pre-installed, since you
know they've actually tested on Linux.  Although it's going to be hard to
stick within a $500-700 budget with either System76 or Zareason, especially
after shipping, duties and brokerage fees (which they are both irritatingly
unrepentant about) are considered.


That pretty much leaves Dell.


There are a couple of the business or education models that might squeeze
into your budget, but I can't see a way to select Ubuntu on their online
customizer form.  So you may need to call.

Failing that, if you find a good deal, you can look up whether the model
has been certified as tested by Canonical:

Or just make sure they have a generous return policy.

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