Video Editing Wanted

Aruna Hewapathirane aruna.hewapathirane at
Fri Feb 28 14:19:03 UTC 2014

>On Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 12:08 PM, Pay Wahun <paywahun at> wrote:
> Could anyone please tell me which and where to find a good open source for
> video editing - video editor? Plus, is there any competitive Photo editor
> comparable to Gimps? I've used Gimps for 4 years now and what a good
> software but just want to explore others..

Blender, the GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program), and
Inkscape<>which is a professional vector
graphics editor.

Blender is a 3D modeler, video editor, UV mapper, renderer, python console,
'and' game engine. Use Blender if realism is your primary and only goal.
Cons: Making super realistic stuff will take ages just for that one
picture. End result is fully worth the time though. Pros: You can easily
make an animation from it, if it is rigged properly. Has open source code.

The GIMP only handles images, as the name implies. The GIMP is not so much
for 'creating' images (it can be done though..), as it is used for editing
images. The GIMP will do any image edit Photoshop will, and you can modify
the source code.

Why not try all three? There are some amazing things you can do by using
all three powers combined that you couldn't do as easily individually.

Have a look at this  : , the cube you
see was created using blender and the texture was mapped onto the cube. The
texture was created using gimp and filters. Experiment and you will make
amazing things :) The smaller cube that rotates on hover was created as a
geo-metric shape in inkscape then exported.

> Also any good open source web editor - not Arachnophilia or Notepad++ but
> good one with JavaScript, Xml, PHP, DHTML among others? What about Content
> management beside Joomla and Drupal any recommended one?

Geany I use on a daily basis and is really good. It is a complete full
fledged Integrated Development Environmnet.
VIM is the choice of experienced and hard-core hackers
( am still learning to use and not to start a flame war but emacs am told
is also very powerful ) .

Firebug <>integrates
with Firefox to put a wealth of development tools at your
fingertips while you browse. You can edit, debug, and monitor CSS, HTML,
and JavaScript live in any web page...

if you install firebug<>,
firephp <>
and firequery <>into
firefox the browser becomes a very capable live editor, and with the
web developer add-in we have a full-fledged IDE right in your browser.

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