[LibrePlanet-CA-ON Joint meeting for TorontoCrypto, LibrePlanet Ontario and Ubuntu Canada?

Sergio Durigan Junior sergiodj at sergiodj.net
Mon Aug 25 18:24:49 UTC 2014

On Sunday, August 24 2014, Bob Jonkman wrote:

> Hi everybodeee! Recently Canada has been enriched by the arrival of
> one of LibrePlanet Brazil's organizers -- Welcome to Toronto, Sergio!

Hey, Bob!

Thank you for the kind words :-).

> Sergio is the founder of the LibrePlanet Ontario group, which I didn't
> even know existed until now:
> http://libreplanet.org/wiki/Group:LibrePlanet_Ontario

Well, to be fair, I am not the real founder; this honor belongs to
"omouse", who is still this list's administrator BTW.  But
unfortunately, he gave up and was not able to dedicate time to the
group, so I decided to step forward and volunteer to take over :-).

> And then there's the TorontoCrypto group, which held a Cryptoparty
> last month that I was sadly unable to attend... https://torontocrypto.org/

Nice!  I will want to attend the next one, certainly :-).

> Let me know if you're interested in meeting, and whether you'd like
> meet for:
> * Afternoon tea (3:00pm - 6:00pm)
> * Dinner (5:00pm - 8:00pm)
> * An Evening Out (7:00pm - 10:00pm)

As you can imagine, life is still crazy because of the move.  I still
cannot say for sure, but the date seems OK for me.  I'd prefer the
Afternoon tea, BTW.

Oh, and I feel compelled to say that I am a Free Software (not Open
Source) guy, so it would be *very* neat to find people interested in
joining LibrePlanet Ontario :-D.


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