Libre 4.0.3

Bob Jonkman bjonkman at
Wed May 29 18:53:58 UTC 2013

Both buttons are for LibreOffice 4.03, the top one is the main installer
for LibreOffice 4.03, and the second one is for the help files for
LibreOffice 4.03.

But!  On Ubuntu and Debian systems there is built-in software
management.  This means that Ubuntu will automatically update any of the
applications that were installed through the Ubuntu Software Centre (or
other software management tools like Synaptic or apt-get).  The Ubuntu
and Debian repositories for software are a little bit behind the latest
releases like LibreOffice, but that's a good thing - it gives the Ubuntu
developers and packagers time to ensure that the new software is
compatible with the rest of the operating system.

So, my recommendation is to do nothing.  Don't install software from web
sites. Use the Ubuntu Software Center to install new applications. Use
Update Manager to ensure you're running the latest software that's been
tested with Ubuntu.  Update Manager (maybe called Software Updater)
should run automatically when you start your computer, but you can run
it yourself to make sure.


On 13-05-29 12:13 PM, David M. Pelly wrote:
> I get a pop up that says I can up date from Libre  to 4.0.3.
> And I get this site:
> I see two down loaders, but I do not see the Libre 4.0.3.
> Where is it?
> David

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