
Randall Ross randall at
Sun Apr 7 19:39:00 UTC 2013

It's nice to see this list come alive with stuff other than requests for

That aside, as people are re-imagining, perhaps everyone in Canada that
loves Ubuntu needs to begin asking this question of themselves:

    "Of my three closest friends and family members, how many enjoy
Ubuntu on a daily basis?"

Ubuntu advocacy and adoption (the software, the philosophy, and the
project) starts locally. In other words, "You can't change the world if
you can't change your world."

Once the above is answered and solved, I suggest that you ask the question:

    "Why is there no Ubuntu group in my city? There are more than enough
people here to have one."

Ubuntu is not a national construct. It has nothing to do with our flag.
It does not care if your government is in Ottawa or in Tripoli or in Taipei.

Nor is Ubuntu a stare at your screen construct. Ubuntu is personal and
face-to-face. Find your friends, families, neighbours, co-workers, and
anyone else in your town who wants technology to work for people (and
not vice-versa) and gather them. Do it often. Form a community that
meets face-to-face and spreads Ubuntu where you live. The rest will follow.

Over time, cities can band together and create bigger teams, if and when
that makes sense for Ubuntu.

Ubuntu Vancouver Buzz Generator.

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