home on a 2nd hard drive

Bob Jonkman bjonkman at sobac.com
Wed Aug 29 09:08:13 UTC 2012

On 12-08-28 05:22 PM, Doug Stewart wrote:

> It is now working!!! Thanks to Bob.
> I had to  do
>  /dev/sdb1 /home ext3 defaults 0 0
> notice the / on home.
> Doug

Whoops!  I should have known better!  Glad to year you're back up and

How's the sudo situation?


> On Tue, Aug 28, 2012 at 1:37 PM, Doug Stewart <doug.dastew at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Tue, Aug 28, 2012 at 12:37 PM, Bob Jonkman <bjonkman at sobac.com> wrote:
>>> It sounds like you may be having two different problems: 1) the drive
>>> containing /home folder is not mounted (so you're seeing /home from the
>>> same mount as the root filesystem) and 2) you no longer have sudo
>>> privileges.
>>> Fix 1) first. Can you log in as root?  If yes, then:
>>> 1. log in as root (from a terminal, if necessary)
>>> 2. open /etc/fstab in an editor
>>> 3. if there's a line that mounts /home then comment it out (put a # in
>>> front)
>>> 4. add a line like '/dev/sdb1 home ext4 defaults 0 0' (be sure to use the
>>> /dev/ device and fstype appropriate for your system)
>>> 5. Save the /etc/fstab file
>>> 6. Reboot!
>>> If you can't log in as root then boot from a live CD and follow the
>>> steps above, but make sure that you work on the /etc/fstab that's on your
>>> system's drive, not the live CD's filesystem.  You'll need to use sudo to
>>> edit /etc/fstab
>>> Let us know if that fixes things.  We can tackle your sudo problem once
>>> your home directory is restored.
>>> --Bob.
>>> Thanks Bob I will use a boot disk as I can't sudo.
>> I will report latter.
>> Doug
> It is now working!!! Thanks to Bob.
> I had to  do
>  /dev/sdb1 /home ext3 defaults 0 0
> notice the / on home.
> Doug
>>> On 2012-08-28 08:18, Doug Stewart wrote:
>>>> On Tue, Aug 28, 2012 at 7:53 AM, Doug Stewart <doug.dastew at gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>  I have a problem! I started with ubuntu 10.04 and did an upgrade to
>>>>> 12.04.1 using Update Manager.
>>>>> In 10.04 I had /home on a 2nd hard drive, and all through the
>>>>> update procedure it was using /home on the 2nd hard drive. At the
>>>>> end of the update procedure it did a reboot, but it failed to mount
>>>>> the /home on the 2nd hard drive!!!!
>>>>> 1) It does start up but does not recognize my old password. So
>>>>> what password will it be wanting for sudo???? I can run as Guest!
>>>>> 2) How do I make it use my /home from the 2nd hard drive?????
>>>>> Thank in advance for any help you can give me. Doug Stewart
>>>>> -- DAS

Bob Jonkman <bjonkman at sobac.com>         http://sobac.com/sobac/
SOBAC Microcomputer Services              Phone: +1-519-669-0388
6 James Street, Elmira ON Canada  N3B 1L5  Cell: +1-519-635-9413
Software   ---   Office & Business Automation   ---   Consulting

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