FSOSS/Linuxfest next week

Darcy Casselman dscassel at gmail.com
Tue Oct 18 21:33:36 UTC 2011

Hi folks!

The Free Software and Open Source Symposium runs next Thursday through
Saturday (Oct 27-29).


Among the many amazing speakers are fellow KWLUGger, Ubuntu Canada
co-conspirator and Kwartzlabber, Ralph Janke, also of KWLUG, speaker
at Kwartzlab/Ubuntu Waterloo's Software Freedom Day event last year,
Raul Suarez and me!

Ralph: Agile Development and Continuous Testing in Open Source, Friday at 3pm
Me: Ubuntu Canada: Communitizing the Community with Community Tools,
Saturday at 9am
Raul: When you cannot be there... Remote access and collaboration,
Saturday at 11am

Register here: https://matrix.senecac.on.ca:8443/fsoss/fsoss/register2011.php

I hope I see some of you there!


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