Stars Update Excellent

Ilija Milicevic engr3337 at
Wed Jan 12 02:35:04 UTC 2011

When Microsoft tried to blackmail China into paying for Windows licenses
(since they were pirating a lot), their government just commissioned Red
Flag Linux ;)

2011/1/11 James <james2432 at>

> Especially that Poutine(*mmmm poutine..*drules**) said that they will be
> using FOSS in the government(including the O/S)
> 2011/1/11 Ilija Milicevic <engr3337 at>
> Well, they're heading in our direction, so I don't have too much hope for
>> them. Just look at how many European countries got bamboozeled by Microsoft
>> when it pushed their "open" doc standard through the ISO process. ESRI reps
>> are beginning to run out of bushes on their campuses. Ironically, China and
>> Russia are the biggest champions of FLOSS lol.
>> 2011/1/11 James <james2432 at>
>> Sometimes I think I was born on the wrong continent, Europe is ahead in
>>> many things...(openess, techno....)
>>> I wish we didn't live in a world where people pay to get their way...
>>> On Tue, Jan 11, 2011 at 9:06 PM, Ilija Milicevic <engr3337 at>wrote:
>>>> I'm sure there's also a lot of "lobbying" (greasing) in that market.
>>>> Quite a few of those proprietary platforms invest quite a bit of cash to
>>>> maintain their vendor lock-in. Europe's a bit better and more open to open
>>>> platforms.
>>>> On Mon, Jan 10, 2011 at 6:51 PM, Chris <candive1 at> wrote:
>>>>> I think it's going to be a tough go.
>>>>> People think there is only Microsoft.
>>>>> I am starting to understand the challenge, people are stuck in their
>>>>> ways.
>>>>> I'm not changing unless others do, people are afraid of change.
>>>>> College teaches with Microsoft because most businesses use it.
>>>>> We need to go after businesses at the same time.
>>>>> When I owned Candive, Ontario until 2005, if I had known there was a
>>>>> free alternative I would have used it.
>>>>> But I was never afraid of trying something new.
>>>>> Go! Linux! Go!
>>>>> On 8 January 2011 22:41, Chris <candive1 at> wrote:
>>>>>> Thank you very much everyone.
>>>>>> I really hope this works.
>>>>>> Chris.
>>>>>>  On 8 January 2011 05:44, swfiua at <swfiua at> wrote:
>>>>>>> PyUno is my favourite tool for OO automation:
>>>>>>> gnumeric is well worth a try as another Excel replacement.   Abiword
>>>>>>> is a good, lightweight word replacement too.
>>>>>>> Re: i the school asks for Office, that is what you should give them.
>>>>>>>   I find they are often not aware there are alternatives, so you should
>>>>>>> first show them the alternatives.   Don't over-sell them, but make them
>>>>>>> aware there are alternatives.
>>>>>>> John
>>>>>>> On Sat, Jan 8, 2011 at 12:25 AM, Tek Ang <rugbeeprop at>wrote:
>>>>>>>> This is something that keeps me to stay with Excel. Also, I heavily
>>>>>>>> use the VBA to automate many things on the Excel.
>>>>>>>> Btw, does anyone know a good resource to go to if I was going to
>>>>>>>> learn about VBA equivalent in OO?
>>>>>>>> Tek
>>>>>>>> ------------------------------
>>>>>>>> *From:* Ilija Milicevic <engr3337 at>
>>>>>>>> *To:* The Canadian Ubuntu Users Community <
>>>>>>>> ubuntu-ca at>
>>>>>>>> *Sent:* Fri, January 7, 2011 5:21:26 PM
>>>>>>>> *Subject:* Re: Stars Update Excellent
>>>>>>>> I have to admit that if I had to use a spreadsheet for work, I'd
>>>>>>>> stick with Excel. I found OOo calc to be a bit cumbersome and lacking in
>>>>>>>> plugins such as ASAP and Microcharts, which are *very *useful in my
>>>>>>>> line of work. Fortunately I don't do any more ground method data
>>>>>>>> preprocessing.
>>>>>>>> On Fri, Jan 7, 2011 at 5:10 PM, Leigh Honeywell <leigh at>wrote:
>>>>>>>>> I've been running Office 2007 in Crossover for around a year and
>>>>>>>>> it's
>>>>>>>>> fantastic (well, as fantastic as Office can be :) ).
>>>>>>>>> Sadly, Office 2010 is known not to work under Crossover:
>>>>>>>>> means that it definitely won't work under Wine.
>>>>>>>>> -Leigh
>>>>>>>>> On 11-01-07 03:58 PM, Bob Jonkman wrote:
>>>>>>>>> > Try Crossover Linux (formerly Crossover Office). It's a paid
>>>>>>>>> product,
>>>>>>>>> > but probably offers the best Windows emulation going.  And it
>>>>>>>>> doesn't
>>>>>>>>> > require a Windows license to run (although the school probably
>>>>>>>>> does need
>>>>>>>>> > an Office2010 license). Office 2010 isn't on the list of
>>>>>>>>> "official"
>>>>>>>>> > supported applications, but I'd be surprised if it doesn't work.
>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>> > Codeweavers, who make Crossover Linux, are a major contributor to
>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>> > Wine project.  I think that much of the Crossover code eventually
>>>>>>>>> finds
>>>>>>>>> > its way into Wine.
>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>> > Of course, if the school really wants to figure out Linux then
>>>>>>>>> they
>>>>>>>>> > should actually use Linux, and actually use native Linux
>>>>>>>>> applications
>>>>>>>>> > (and, preferably, open document formats too).
>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>> > --Bob.
>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>> > Bob Jonkman<bjonkman at>
>>>>>>>>> > SOBAC Microcomputer Services              Voice: +1-519-669-0388
>>>>>>>>> > 6 James Street, Elmira ON  Canada  N3B 1L5  Cel: +1-519-635-9413
>>>>>>>>> > Software   ---   Office&  Business Automation   ---   Consulting
>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>> > On 11-01-07 01:09 PM, Chris wrote:
>>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>>> >> Hi all,
>>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>>> >> I have been in contact with my Georgian College Prof (dos)
>>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>>> >> Today I dropped off two desktops, 1 Edubuntu & 1 Ubuntu, 2 power
>>>>>>>>> cords
>>>>>>>>> >> and 2 keyboards.
>>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>>> >> They will be installed in the Georgian College Library next week
>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>> >> introduce Students to Linux and Promote our Stars Program.
>>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>>> >> *_The College also needs to know if Microsoft Office 2010 will
>>>>>>>>> run on
>>>>>>>>> >> the above computers?? (wine?) I do not have Office 2010. Please
>>>>>>>>> Help._*
>>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>>> >> I also met with the Sydenham Public School Principal, he will be
>>>>>>>>> >> bringing it up at his board meeting and with the Blue
>>>>>>>>> >> Water District School Board
>>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>>> >> I was unable to meet with the O.S.C.V.I. High School Principal
>>>>>>>>> but I
>>>>>>>>> >> did leave our calling card and Stars description for her.
>>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>>> >> I see no problem with moving the desktops.
>>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>>> >> Chris
>>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>>> >> Linux Pusher
>>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>>> >> --
>>>>>>>>> >> Linux!, The Freedom to Choose.
>>>>>>>>> >> <>
>>>>>>>>> >> Supplying Technology to At Risk Students
>>>>>>>>> >>
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