Ubuntu User Days is looking for instructors

Bob Jonkman bjonkman at sobac.com
Sat Jan 8 16:35:47 UTC 2011

The Ubuntu User Days Web page is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDays/  
and the the IRC channels are irc://irc.freenode.net/#ubuntu-classroom 
and irc://irc.freenode.net/#ubuntu-classroom-chat

There is a calendar of Ubuntu Learning Events that lists User Days and 
User Week events from previous years at:


or for the line-length-limited:


and for the calendar import/export/exchange weenies:


Nothing for UUD on 29 January 2011 yet, but one interesting event on 27 
January at 11:00am EST on "How to use top and similar tools to pinpoint 
system problems"...


On 11-01-07 10:27 AM, Darcy Casselman wrote:
> Every cycle, the Ubuntu community holds a series of tutorial and Q&A
> sessions for users on IRC.  Ubuntu User Days for the Natty cycle will
> be on January 29 and 30.
> http://justanothertriager.wordpress.com/2011/01/07/user-days/
> If there's some bit of Ubuntu-related technology that you're
> enthusiastic about sharing and is of interest to users (not
> developers--they get their own set of days), check out the link above
> to find out how you can participate.
> Darcy.

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