Avaneya: Viking Mission Remastered

Kip Warner kip at thevertigo.com
Mon Aug 8 18:55:56 UTC 2011

Hey folks,

I've just posted some exciting new information regarding Avaneya, a
science fiction game for Ubuntu, that I am actively working on. You can
find the information in the Avaneya Crew Handbook's chapter on
Information For Artists available on our main page here near the top:


In a nutshell, we've managed to successfully recover hundreds of images
from the original mission through some digital forensic archaeology to
be used as reference artwork in the game as well as to be released to
the general public. Some of the images you can see in the handbook. 

The software we built to recover the images will have its source code
released under the GPLv3.

Take care,

Kip Warner -- Software Engineer
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