Ubuntu Hour in Kitchener, Friday 6:30pm, Misty Mountain Coffee Company

Bob Jonkman bjonkman at sobac.com
Fri Aug 5 03:29:08 UTC 2011

Hi all:  A bit short notice, but Charles McColm (of Computer Recycling) 
will be hosting an Ubuntu Hour at the Misty Mountain Coffee Company, 33 
Queen St. S. in Kitchener from 6:30pm to 8:00pm (or later) on Friday, 5 
August 2011.

Bring your laptop (or not), talk about Ubuntu (or not), drink some 
coffee (or a have a snack).

Charles is a member of the Ubuntu CD Bribery Program, so there will be 
Ubuntu/Kubuntu and Server disks.


Registration (or not): http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-ca/1122/detail/

Hope to see you there!


Bob Jonkman<bjonkman at sobac.com>          http://sobac.com/sobac/
SOBAC Microcomputer Services              Voice: +1-519-669-0388
6 James Street, Elmira ON  Canada  N3B 1L5  Cel: +1-519-635-9413
Software   ---   Office&  Business Automation   ---   Consulting

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