Edubuntu networking problem

Phil Woodland phil.woodland at
Thu Aug 4 22:20:58 UTC 2011

On Thu, Aug 4, 2011 at 4:57 PM, Ralph Pichie <thevillagegeek at>wrote:

> New installation of Edubuntu 11.04 with LTSP on AMD Athlon
> The Ethernet connection works fine when running from DVD, but not
> after installation.
> Network Manager cannot create a working connection.
> To connect, the user must run dhclient with root privileges.
> Below is the current content of /etc/network/interfaces
> auto lo
> iface lo inet loopback
> auto eth0
> iface eth0 inet dhcp
>  address
>  netmask
> Could the installation of Linux Terminal Server Project have caused
> this? During the installation, I opted to include LTSP and there was a
> list with the default option of eth0, the only network device I had
> then.
> I presume that as a terminal server it would need a static address,
> but I'm not an expert in that - yet. If that is the problem, how do I
> correct it? Do I add another network card and make LTSP use that so
> the other can be set to use DHCP and start at boot? Or do I remove
> LTSP and hope that will solve the problem? Do I start yet another wipe
> and install, this time without LTSP?
> Ralph
> --
> ubuntu-ca mailing list
> ubuntu-ca at


If your setting a static IP ( as you mentioned above), you will
have to let the router know that you want that particular computer to have a
static IP and not use DHCP. Usually you'll have to specify the MAC address
for the network card in the computer, but some routers will do it via
'computer name'.

I'm not too familiar with LTSP, but that's the first thing that came to mind
when reading your problem.

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