Edmonton release party (was Re: Any parties or anything for the release of 10.10?)

Matthew Delaney matthew.l.delaney at gmail.com
Thu Sep 23 16:50:05 UTC 2010

If you do start anything in Edmonton, I would come (I'm a UofA comp sci
student). I have been wanting to get something going, but with classes and
all I don't have time to organize it. So if anyone in Edmonton wants to get
something going, count me in. I'm sure we could get at least a few people to
go, as I can likely get the computing science students group to put the word


On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 10:01 AM, Darcy Casselman <dscassel at gmail.com>wrote:

> On Wed, Sep 22, 2010 at 2:56 PM, Vaughn Male <keino_9 at hotmail.com> wrote:
> > Is there anything going on in Edmonton for the release? I haven't heard
> > anything, but it seems that Edmonton has a really small Ubuntu
> > community. I don't particularly feel like being the only person showing
> up.
> Hi Vaughn,
> There's nothing yet.  ELUG looks long-dormant.  It's up to engaged and
> interested folks like you to help build a community.
> You might have better luck heading down to Calgary.  There are a few
> Ubuntu people there on this list and on IRC.  They also have an active
> LUG.  However there hasn't been an Ubuntu release party there that I'm
> aware of.
> However, for Edmonton, there's no harm in starting small.  We can help
> publicize your party.  You could try to connect what any remnants of
> ELUG.  Put the word out around UofA.  Bring a friend so you don't get
> lonely.  And who knows?  Maybe someone will show up.  You can build
> from there.
> Darcy.
> --
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