Ubuntu Forums Group - British Columbia, Canada Linux Users

Kenneth Hawkins kjurkic at yahoo.ca
Thu Nov 25 19:11:55 UTC 2010

Hi Mike

Have mostly been a lurker.

FWIW, I run several Ubuntu servers, a few laptops and desktops, on a network 
that is a mix of Win, OSX, & linux.

I have setup Ubuntu as the baremetal host for a couple virtualbox servers, and 
use them to host Ubuntu, windows, and debian guest appliances.

hope to see traffic on this list.


From: Michael Stathers <m_stathers at hotmail.com>
To: ubuntu-ca at lists.ubuntu.com
Sent: Wed, November 24, 2010 9:42:03 PM
Subject: Ubuntu Forums Group - British Columbia, Canada Linux Users

Hello All,

I just accepted a request to become the maintainer of theBritish Columbia, 
Canada Linux Users group.

Feel free to join.

The group has been fairly dormant for a long time now so we'll see how it goes.


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