Ubuntu friendly netbooks

Darcy Casselman dscassel at gmail.com
Fri Feb 26 18:13:59 UTC 2010

On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 11:57 AM, Randall Ross <randall at executiv.es> wrote:
> Ubuntu friendly netbooks, and all other Ubuntu friendly computers are listed on this page:
> http://webapps.ubuntu.com/certification/
> Look for the certified models when you shop. If your local store doesn't have one, move on. If you want something pre-configured with Ubuntu, then I recommend http://system76.com
> All others installs are experiments. Your mileage may vary, and fair warning is hereby given;)

I totally agree with this.

If you want to get Ubuntu running on hardware you have, great! By all
means, give it a shot.  But if you're shopping for new hardware,
please consider supporting companies like System76 (or even Dell) that
actually care about making Ubuntu and free software work with their


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