Glitch in installing 9.04 as a Clean Install.

Alfred alfred.s at
Tue Jun 30 01:29:28 UTC 2009

Hi - All:

I had Ubuntu 9.04 32 Bit Downloaded for me on a CD to try in Live Mode,
and it worked fine. We have very slow dial-up here. So I ordered from
England at the 8 DVD set of Ubuntu 9.04 32bit with all
the repositories on DVD. So perhaps not much Downloading needed.

Now unlike the install manuals online, it goes through some steps of the
install and then stops at Busy Box V 1.10.2 Built in Shell ash
(initramfs)_  saying type "help" for a list of Commands. Strange thing -
The CD that I had Downloaded does this too, now. Where before it loaded
to the Live desktop, with the install Icon on the screen.

I formatted the hard drive to EXT3. Have no Idea at all what to do next.

It detected my Card reader, because the lights came on, but that is all
I can see. Then it goes to Busy Box (initramfs)_ I'm not real good at
Text mode installs, I did not select text mode, I selected The first
option do nothing to the OS, then tried the second menu item Install
option, both end in Busy Box, (initramfs)_ then tried hitting F4 and
going through the list of Options, F2, F3, .... etc. Still it ends in
Busy box (initramfs)_

My Confuser is a Home made AMD Athalon XP, with 2 Gigs of DDR Ram,
Nvidia 5500 with 256 Megs of Video Ram. 320 Gigs Hard drive Formatted to
EXT3. With an LG DVD Cutter/CD cutter. Worked OK with 6.04, 7.10, 8.10.

Anyone got any ideas about how to get around this.

Thank you in advance. 


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