Sharepoint equiv for Linux

Dave Marple d.marple at
Wed Jun 3 16:11:08 UTC 2009

It would actually be a relatively simple matter to setup groups in the
Active Directory, then create shares on servers with group-specific
permissions, and run a boot script to mount them.  If all they're doing is
sharing files, SharePoint is probably overkill.

On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 11:35 AM, <mcr at> wrote:

> >>>>> "Darryl" == Darryl Moore <darryl at> writes:
>    Darryl> I don't know a lot about MS networks. One of the things I
>    Darryl> was surprised to hear is that everybody has to ask the IT
>    Darryl> department to set up folders so they can share documents,
>    Darryl> and that permissions for these folders are set up on a user
>    Darryl> by user basis. There does not appear to be any concept of
>    Darryl> groups like in Linux.
>  At the NTFS/Microsoft-Sharing level, there are groups and there are
> also extended ACLs that go way beyond what Linux has. (Although ext3 and
> ext4 has some of this, not commonly enabled)
>  Sharepoint is not the same thing though.
>  My experience is that MS is in fact very powerful, but since the
> people running it are lowest-bidders, they don't know how to set things
> up.
>    Darryl> The other thing she told me was that they would soon be
>    Darryl> roling out a SharePoint server which is suppose to be the
>    Darryl> holy grail and will eleviate all their issues. What I
>    Darryl> understand about Sharepoint is that it is basically a fancy
>    Darryl> version control system, and is very expensive.
>  Yes, that's the case. Very $$$$, and doesn't really help often: it's
> too complex for most users.
> --
> Michael Richardson <mcr at>
> Director -- Consumer Desktop Development, Simtone Corporation, Ottawa,
> Canada
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> SIMtone Corporation fundamentally transforms computing into simple,
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