Remix Mono and Windows

David Curtis dcurtis at
Wed Jul 22 10:47:42 UTC 2009

On Wed, 22 Jul 2009 10:04:44 -0400
"Mr. C clark" <c_dive at> wrote:

> Hi all
> Mono was included with the desktop edition?
> I had no problems with the desk top Ubuntu.
> I am trying to understand if I had a virus or not.
> Since removing mono my msi wind net book has been behaving.
> Please explain in very simple terms.
> Is it a back-door to Ubuntu thru a windows app??

No Chris, mono and the appications that use it are _not_ viruses or trojans. Randall was making a far reaching (and somewhat humorous) connection between the definitions of 'mono' the viral biological infection -> virus, a small detrimental self-replicating computer program -> Mono, the open source version of M$'s .Net framework that F-spot and other apps are developed in. 

Opponents of Mono claim that M$'s ownership of certain patents that are applicable to Mono put OSS at risk. M$ has 'promised' not to sue any one using mono and there are certain technical arguments that say Mono is safe. Not to mention that it is fairly easy to remove mono and apps that use it, replace them with others.

Then again M$ suing TomTom makes me do the Rodney Dangerfield shirt collar thing:

David Curtis <dcurtis at>

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