Upgrades sometimes (always!) flawed

Kim Kulak kim at kulak.ca
Wed Jan 21 19:30:11 UTC 2009

George Borusiewich wrote:
> I wrote a rant yesterday about linux upgrades occasionally introducing 
> problems which weren't there in an earlier version.
It's my experience that upgrades always break something. It is a fact of 
life. Here are some of the rules I live by:

1. Wait a month after the release before you do the upgrade. Let the 
hackers find the problems first.

2. Expect the upgrade to break something. Spend some time finding and 
fixing these problems after an upgrade. Run a few tests on your system 
looking for the problems. It's a lot less annoying than bumping against 
a problem later, when your trying to do something! and you can't!!, 
because the damn upgrade broke your computer!!! Or was it something 
you've done since the upgrade?

3. Google is your friend. The chances that your problem is unique is 
vanishingly small. The problems mentioned are with sound and floppy 
disk. Search 'intrepid update sound' and 'intrepid update floppy'. Lots 
of noise but an answer is usually here. The best answers will come from 
"https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu" or "http://ubuntuforums.org"

4. If you have done this and you still don't have an answer, you are 
much more likely to find help. You have done the research needed to 
speak intelligently about the problems you have encountered. Join in on 
one of the discussions you have found, don't start another.

I hope this helps.

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