Augmented Reality

Victor Mendonça victorbrca at
Thu Apr 16 22:52:35 UTC 2009

Hi all,

I was wondering if anyone here has any inputs or views of what might come in the future with augmented reality? 

I just finished reading a book (Rainbows End) that talked about people in the future wearing contact lenses that allowed then to view and interact in very different ways that what we have today. They were always connected to the Internet, were able to transform and view things in a different way, watch a game without a ball on a field that didn't have markings, make searches, view directions tagged buildings, technical papers on "tagged"objects, have virtual meetings across the world, etc... 

I did not expect that to be possible within 100s of  years due to the size limitation of a contact lens. However today I depared myself with an augmented reality live demo from GE ( and I was impressed with something that I did not expect to be available right now. 

After more reading I found that a company is working on developing a camera/screen that would be the same size of today's glasses; there are applications ready for Windows based mobile devices as well as I-phone; a small Museum and a University already have tags that can be used with augmented reality.

I'm very excited with this... Just wanted to see what other fellow geeks thought about it!! :)

 Victor Mendonça

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