OT surveying open source in business

Timothy Webster tdwebste2 at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 14 10:14:56 UTC 2009


Personally at my work place everyone including the secretary is exposed to git "business document repository", ssh "remote access", trac, wiki "procedure documentation and cross training, so people can leave without knowledge lose".

software versioning such as
svn, git

project tools, such as
trac, wiki, rt

admin skills, such as
installing software, 
sharing ssh keys
reading logs
setting up users

bash, perl, python scripting

--- On Sun, 4/12/09, Ralph Pichie <thevillagegeek at gmail.com> wrote:
From: Ralph Pichie <thevillagegeek at gmail.com>
Subject: OT surveying open source in business
To: "ubuntu-ca" <ubuntu-ca at lists.ubuntu.com>
Date: Sunday, April 12, 2009, 1:37 PM

This summer, I will be surveying small and medium sized businesses
about their hiring needs/plans, skill requirements, workplaces, etc.
The second page of five in the survey has a question about current or
potential use of open source software and systems. I'd like some
feedback on this question, so I have included it below for you to

Open Source Software Skills:

(Multiple select options below)
Mozilla Firefox
OpenOffice.org (cross-platform office suite)
Mozilla Thunderbird (e-mail/calendar)
GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP)
Other open-source software on Windows
Other open-source software on Mac
<Linux distributions>
Red Hat Enterprise Linux
Ubuntu (including Kubuntu, Xubuntu, etc.)
Other Linux distribution
<Content Management Systems>
No idea

"Is your organization presently using any free/open source software,
or planning/considering implementing open source software during the
next 12 months? If so, please indicate which from the options above."

The construction site for the survey is at http://hireknowledge.ca
Note that I will be adding information resources for the confused, and
I will be preparing respondents with a list of key questions before
they actually reach the survey form itself.

Any thoughts?


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