Mississauga Meet (MLUG)?

Andrew Mathenge mathenge at gmail.com
Wed Nov 5 02:59:15 UTC 2008

Good thoughts. I had a good experience at a Toronto linux users group last
time where we did an install and solved some wireless and video problems.

I've upgraded from Hardy to Intrepid and didn't enjoy it. Mostly because of some
problems with video and applications, e.g., Brasero. So I'm going back to Hardy.

Perhaps the agenda could include some tips on upgrades? Tips on wireless
cards/networking? Advice on the different types of X-Buntus...

I have an Acer laptop (Aspire 5040) whose wireless card absolutely hates Ubuntu.
It's an atheros card. I could bring both since I don't mind people

The good thing with the Toronto meet is that we meet at the Linuxcafe which has
a free network (and wireless too).

Bounce the ideas around.


On Tue, Nov 4, 2008 at 7:05 PM, Andy Boersma <andy at boersma.ca> wrote:
> Hi Azard
> Right now we just sit around with a "pop" and talk about our experience,
> when we get a larger group we will need to set an agenda etc, but as of
> right now its just a bunch of Ubuntu users talking about Linux and other
> issues.
> Andy
> Az wrote:
>> Hi, I would be interested in finding out more about these meetings. Is there
>> someone "in charge" of the MLUG, is there a mailing list I could get on so I
>> could get additional information or is everything done just through this
>> mailing list?
>> Cheers,
>> Azard
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> ubuntu-ca at lists.ubuntu.com
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