Recommend compatible hardware

Federico Contreras the_blur_oc at
Fri May 2 02:47:29 UTC 2008

Hi Michael, at the risk of being the poo pooer of the bunch, I would strongly advise against video editing on linux.

The state of video editing on linux is basically a disaster zone. You really can't get above the level of windows moviemaker as far as quality goes, and most apps are very unfinished or unstable. Kino is ok, but it only does a very basic level of editing. Think of what video editing was like in the early 90's and that's what it's like on linux.

For any kind of visual design work, I would really stick to windows or macOS (I do this for a living, and until adobe bring out their suite for linux and we get good, commercial video editing on linux, motion graphics design on this platform will suffer).

Non-motion stuff is slowly getting better with great apps like inkscape and scribus. GIMP's interface is still pretty terrible. Blender is phenomenally great. They really should just cease development of all those different video apps and concentrate on 1 good one, but such is the nature of open source! =)

Just wanted to mention it, because these are precious memories and I would hate to see you lose them or lose interest in creating them just because the platform makes it very difficult to do.


> I'm interested in exploring all manner of home video editing (yes,
> really - I have a baby daughter), graphic design and typography, web
> design (PHP/CSS/Javascript), music composition, and garage band audio
> stuff on Ubuntu at home.

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