Getting Hardy on the news?

Brian Michalski super007 at
Wed Mar 26 10:48:59 UTC 2008

woot good job Dylan!!!,

I would recommend forwarding things like this to all major outlets
nation wide, and then sending them also to the more regional ones in
your area.

also, you should forward this to the community council to get their
input on this ;) better safe then sorry, maybe they already have
something planned. but you never know, you may be canada's source of a
new way :).

oh and thanks for the heads-up about the counter I have been waiting for
it for a month but gave up last week :),

Thank You,
B.J. Michalski
Chief Of NARLOTO Staff
CSN: 568-9230
Email: Michalski at Narloto@INET
Civ Email: super007 at

PS: sorry my pgp key is being fidgetty I cant sign

On Tue, 2008-03-25 at 22:31 -0400, Emma Jane Hogbin wrote:
> Dylan McCall wrote:
> > I think it would be really worthwhile if CBC made a mention of Ubuntu's
> > fantastic new release somewhere in their news broadcasts on April 24 or
> > 25. However, I have seen them miss Ubuntu releases in favour of people's
> > home renovations, which really grinds my gears. That would certainly be
> > unhappy if it happened with Hardy Heron, since it accounts for many
> > thousands of people's renovations!
> Media releases customized and directed at individual shows may give you
> a better chance of coverage rather than "getting on the news." For radio
> specifically target:
> - The Age of Persuasion -
> - Spark -
> - Search Engine -
> For TV you might want to try:
> - The Hour -
> - Rick Mercer Report -
> I'm not sure what the local morning/traffic report show would be for
> Montreal, but you might want to pitch whatever their morning (and
> afternoon) show is with "the local angle."
> I hope that helps!!
> regards,
> emma
> -- 
> Emma Jane Hogbin, B.Sc.
> Founder, xtrinsic
> phone: (519) 371-2665
> web:
> HICK Tech 2008: Do you have your tickets yet?

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