Joomla stuff?

geo yaktur at
Fri Jun 27 00:06:28 UTC 2008

Ask my wife - I can be so extraordinarily stubborn.....I just hate the idea of giving up on something. It took me literally 20 years to catch my wife!! Seriously!! Hehehe!!

A new question. I'm trying to set up Joomla. I get through all of it's questions and then in the end it says:

"Your configuration file or directory is not writeable, or there was a problem creating the configuration file. You'll have to upload the following code by hand. Click in the text area to highlight all of the code."

Um.....ok....what am I supposed to do when Joomla throws a tantrum? I can't spank it. ;)

I tried copy & pasting the resulting code into an empty file which I named "configuration.php" and I dropped this file into /var/www/

This did nothing. Joomla still stomped it's feet and swore at me.

So I copied configuration.php into /var/www/Joomla/

Then I went to:

It told me:

"The Home of Joomla				
For your security please completely remove the installation directory
including all files and sub-folders - then refresh this page." 

So I reach into /var/www/ and yank out the Joomla folder.

Then Joomla isn't accessible to me when I refresh the page. So I don't understand now what is Joomla supposed to do for me because if I follow it's instructions, it becomes useless and inaccessible?

I decided to put the Joomla folder back into /var/www/ because at least something happens when I go to

Still, this is a puzzle. And the help files I saw on the Joomla site aren't exactly helpful to me, so I'm asking you guys! :)


--- On Thu, 6/26/08, Andrew Mathenge <mathenge at> wrote:
From: Andrew Mathenge <mathenge at>
Subject: Re: PHP, Apache and Ubuntu 8.04?
To: yaktur at, "The Canadian Ubuntu Users Community" <ubuntu-ca at>
Date: Thursday, June 26, 2008, 7:09 PM

Congratulations geo!

I admire your perseverance. This is what all Linux/Ubuntu is about. I
hope you stay on the list because someone else *will* have this
problem and you'll help them through it.


On Thu, Jun 26, 2008 at 9:04 AM, geo <yaktur at> wrote:
> That's cool!!
> This weekend I plan to upgrade my system to 8.04. Will these file
requirements change in anyway?
> What I plan to do it simply print up a list of stuff to "apt-get
install" and let it do it's voodoo.
> I'm also running a Samba and a Unix server because my step-daughter
runs Win XP Home on her laptop and she needed space to back-up her stuff. My
step-son runs Xubuntu on his computer and he needs to access stuff in his home
directory on the Dell.
> And all of this is tied together in the house via Wireless. Some fun!
> Would I be able to interrogate my system and have it cough up a list in
text format of what packages are installed? Then I could print it up and redo
the installaton with 8.04?
> Thanks!
> geo


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