Alfred alfred.s at
Thu Jun 26 14:05:47 UTC 2008

Hi Volksman:
>>>>You are running 7 series right?  Hopefully Gutsy:

I have 3 versions of Ubuntu on my computer. Gutsy is one of them.

>From the Link I didn't know about before, I got the ones for 8.04 and
7.10. 8.04 is still a bit Experimental for me.
The one for Gutsy went in well. Still have to put in the one for 8.04. I
did all the upgrades for all 3 of them. except for 8 in 8.04. Tonight I
will put in GnuCash for 8.04 version 2.2.5 from Getdeb.

Thank you for the link.


-----Original Message-----
From: volksman <v0lksman69 at>
Reply-To: The Canadian Ubuntu Users Community
<ubuntu-ca at>
To: The Canadian Ubuntu Users Community <ubuntu-ca at>
Subject: Re: GNUCASH
Date: Wed, 25 Jun 2008 19:15:42 -0400
Mailer: Swiftdove (X11/20080303)

You are running 7 series right?  Hopefully Gutsy:

Can download and use those for now.   :)

Alfred wrote:
> HI:
> I'm noticing a few little glitches in GNUCASH 2.2.1, which is the
> unstable version installable with Synaptic. On Source Forge GNUCASH
> 2.2.5 is listed as the latest stable version. Several times in using the
> unstable version it makes mention of the fact that it is unstable, and
> still has a few glitches, and it recommends using 2.20 an earlier
> version. When will these Stable versions be available for ubuntu in
> regular download channels?
> Alfred!

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