Ubuntu users in Ontario, Canada?

Eric Cyr 1ballistic1 at gmail.com
Tue Jun 24 12:50:43 UTC 2008

Someone (Stéphane?) mentioned earlier that the package wasn't actually
called "phpmysqladmin" but "phpmyadmin"
Packages.ubuntu.com search had results for it on Hardy, so it should be in
Synaptic/apt-get under the same.
packages.ubuntu.com link, in case that still doesn't work.

On Tue, Jun 24, 2008 at 12:16 AM, geo <yaktur at yahoo.com> wrote:

> I'm on a bit of a time-budget so if I can't get this working in a month or
> two, I have no choice but to give up on it and get on to other tasks which
> will become much more pressing in the near future, one of those tasks
> includes finishing up the wireless network of the Windows computers at the
> farm properties - quite a task.
> I simply don't have the luxury of trying to do this "that way". It's not in
> the cards. Sorry.
> geo
> Hi Again:
> >From the Language that you are using, you seem to be doing very complex
> things in the other operating systems. Linux is the thing you are
> interested in, so take a bit of time to learn some of the basics with it
> before trying to do the same kind of very complex things, with Linux.
> Not doing this
>  makes the learning curve Slew Rate very sudden. You are
> talking about PHP, and that is a very thick Book, and SQL, and that is a
> very thick book, and you are a Noob to Linux too, and that is a very
> thick Book. Learn a bit of Linux just by it's self. Now the Learning
> curve is very gradual. Then when you've mastered the GUI of your Choice,
> and a bit of the shell, then Start with SQL. After you got the basics
> with that then go to PHP. Then what people tell you will make some
> sense, in the Linux way of looking at it. The lingo is a bit different
> in Linux, and after some basics you will know what people are saying
> when you go on a forum.
> Make things a bit simple, it's not that you are simple, it just makes it
> easy to grasp the concepts in Linux this way.
> Alfred!
> -----Original Message-----
> From: geo <yaktur at yahoo.com>
> Reply-To: yaktur at yahoo.com, The Canadian Ubuntu Users
>  Community
> <ubuntu-ca at lists.ubuntu.com>
> To: Mark W. Law <bear at wightman.ca>
> Cc: ubuntu-ca at lists.ubuntu.com
> Subject: Re: Ubuntu users in Ontario, Canada?
> Date: Mon, 23 Jun 2008 19:26:00 -0700 (PDT)
> Mailer: YahooMailWebService/0.7.199
> Sorry, but how do I do this?
> I tried getting phpMySQLAdmin by either Synaptic or by typing sudo
> apt-get install phpMySQLAdmin in the Alt+F2 window.
> Nothing. It doesn't exist in either place.
> But even if it did, how would i create a new blank database? I don't
> know any of this stuff.
> Thanks,
> geo
> PS: Sorry if I came off as a little testy before, this thing just EATS
> so much of my time just to experiment and fail at it again and again.
>         - download and install phpMySQLAdmin (used to admin MySQL databases)
>         - In phpmysqladmin create a new blank database and call it, say,
>  'joomla'
>         - Point your browser to http://localhost/[NAME <http://localhost/%5BNAME> OF THE FOLDER YOU
>         CREATED]/index.php
>         - Follow the prompts to
>          install Joomla (it will want the name of the blank
>         database you just created)
>         :)
>         M.
>         On Monday 23 June 2008 20:16:34 you wrote:
>         > Hi Mark
>         >
>         > Ok, I've downloaded Joomla and extracted it to a folder on my
> desktop.
>         >
>         > I don't know how to install it though.
>         >
>         > Joomla isn't in Synaptic so I had to download it from the
> website.
>         >
>         > There are several files:
>         >
>         > CHANGELOG.php
>         > configuration.php-dist
>         > COPYRIGHT.php
>         > globals.php
>         > htaccess.txt
>         > index.php
>  > index2.php
>         > INSTALL.php
>         > LICENSE.php
>         > mainbody.php
>         > offline.php
>         > offlinebar.php
>         > pathway.php
>         > robots.txt
>         >
>         > ....as well as several folders.
>         >
>         > When I double-click on INSTALL.php, it opens Firefox and then
> Firefox
>         keeps
>         > asking what to do with INSTALL.php: Open with Firefox or save to
>          disk?
>         >
>         > So I keep clicking "Open" and it just repeats and
> repeats.
>         >
>         > What do I do with this Joomla then?
>         >
>         > Thanks,
>         > geo
> --
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> ubuntu-ca at lists.ubuntu.com
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