DVD Movies.

Leigh Honeywell leigh at hypatia.ca
Fri Jun 13 03:00:39 UTC 2008

Alfred wrote:
> Hi:
> I have a new DVD rom- in 7.10. I set it up to play DVD Movies. It worked
> just fine for a while. Yesterday I played Live-Free or Die Hard, Twice
> to see the difference between the Theatrical Version and the Unrated
> version. Today I tried to play another movie, but now all the Movie
> Players Don't Work! Is there a utility for finding and removing
> RootKits. Sony used this once, but it may be what is going on here. I
> didn't make Copies of the DVD's I just Played them, yet Totem now
> Crashes when it goes to play the DVD. I have a DVD Player but my house
> guest sleeps in that room, and I can't always watch a rented movie using
> it. 
> Any Ideas about this?
> Alfred!

I've never heard of rootkits on commercially produced DVD's.  Even if
someone was stupid enough to do this (like Sony did on those audio
cd's), well, they wouldn't work on Linux.  You're barking up the wrong
tree Alfred :)

Try a different media-playing application like VLC.


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