Ubuntu Vancouver Monthly meeting (12 June 2008)

Kim Kulak kim at kulak.ca
Tue Jun 10 23:06:56 UTC 2008

  Ubuntu Vancouver: Monthly Meeting


    Thursday June 12, 2008 at 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM (Note that this start
    time is 1/2 hour earlier than our previous meetings. Show up late if
    you have to, but please do come.)


    Free Geek
    1820 Pandora Street
    [directions] <http://freegeekvancouver.org/directions>


    Time to get very serious about answering the who, what, when, where,
    and why of our educational initiative.


    What are we going to teach? Identify the first course and it's contents.


    When do we want to be able to teach our first course? How soon can
    we be ready.


    Where are we going to conduct our courses? What equipment, material,
    etc. do we need.


    Who will give the courses, who will develop the courses. Make a list
    of names.


    Why not?

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