setting up DIAL-UP

Alfred alfred.s at
Thu Jun 5 22:23:33 UTC 2008

Hi Reeves:

Just saying ppp0 was not what you wanted. You want detailed instructions
- Right!

First get your self a Serial Modem - An External Modem, that plugs into
a Comm Port -RS232 Port. A Trendnet TFM-560X might be a good Choice they
are about $40.00. USR makes several and they Cost much more. There are
Cheaper ones, like the AOL Modem, but my experience was that it went SOL
pretty quick! Also invest in a Good Surge Protector like an APC ES - 8
that has A telephone line protector too!

On the Mother Board find the Comm Port and plug in the RS232 Connector
and screw it to the case so you can plug a connector to it from outside
the case. With the computer OFF. Connect up your modem, plugging the
RS232 Connector into the Comm Port 1 Connector. Plug in the Telephone
line to Line. Then plug in the Power Supply, then and only then Turn on
the Power, and turn on the Confuser! Only USB Connections can be plugged
in with the power on. 

Boot up Ubuntu 8.04 get the desktop! Look in the top left hand corner
close to the Ubuntu symbol and you will see the word "System". Click on
it, and now you get a drop down menu, look for "Administration". Click
on it, and now you get another drop down menu and look for "Network".
Click on that!

A Network Dialog Box appears. Find the Unlock Button and click on it.
Type in your Password for Ubuntu and then Click on the Authenticate
Button. Highlight the Point to point Connection - Modem then click on
the Properties Button. A new Dialog Box appears. Under the General Tab
click on "Enable this Connection" then a check Mark appears in the
little box in front of Enable... Then under the Internet Service
Provider Data, You put the Phone number of your ISP without any dashes
or spaces. If there is a dial Prefix type it in next to dial prefix.
Then type in your ID that your ISP gave you or you made up with them.
Then Type in your ISP password. Then click on the Modem Tab. Select
Serial Modem Usually that will be /dev/ttySO It will detect it if you
select the wrong port. Set the Volume of the modem to none if it is
connecting well. Set it to LOW if it is taking a couple of tries to
connect. Lots of Pitch changes, going on for a long time mean the Phone
line is noisy!
Then Click on the Options tab. Check all three Boxes by clicking on each
box. then click on OK. It goes to the previous Dialog Box.

In the Previous Dialog Box Click on the Icon that looks like a floppy or
has an arrow pointing down on a little box. This Saves your settings.
Give it a name, like My_ISP. Then click on Save. Next time you start or
Boot up it will start up the modem, if you have it switched on. There
will be a little green Check mark Click on it to start the dialer, when
you do have the modem switched on.

Not that hard Eh?

-----Original Message-----
From: jreeves at
Reply-To: The Canadian Ubuntu Users Community
<ubuntu-ca at>
To: ubuntu-ca at
Subject: setting up DIAL-UP
Date: Thu, 5 Jun 2008 15:48:29 -0400

How do I set up Ubuntu 8.04 for dial-up?

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