CD/DVD Burners.

mcr at mcr at
Sun Jun 1 22:30:59 UTC 2008

>>>>> "Alfred" == Alfred  <alfred.s at> writes:
    Alfred> I played with this, changed the cables, and it still didn't
    Alfred> work. Then I made a copy of an older Ubuntu install cd, that
    Alfred> worked just fine. So the 

  I was thinking that writing DVDs occurs at a faster data rate than
writing a CD, so it could still be bad cables, controller, etc.
  But, I am curious who you got the DVD set from?

  What kind of protection do you think they used? I'm not aware of any
that you can add to an iso image afterwards.  If they did do that, then
they would be violating GPL.

Michael Richardson <mcr at>
Director -- Consumer Desktop Development, Simtone Corporation, Ottawa, Canada

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