too much bloat

Corey Burger corey.burger at
Sun Jan 13 00:32:14 UTC 2008

On Jan 12, 2008 4:25 PM, Andrey Vul <andrey.vul at> wrote:
> The base install has a lot of bloat, such as UUID's in fstab and
> unneeded crap in alsa rules and /etc/modules.d/ and is too automated
> for my liking.
> Which is more poweruser-friendly, debian, fedora, or other?
> I pretty much want a binary distro that gives you almost as much
> choice as gentoo *and supports jfs*, yet just works? My candidates so
> far are debian-unstable and fedora-(7 or 8, whichever has jfs support)
> (haven't tested either yet)?

Umm, bloat?

No, UUIDs are required to make certain you are actually mounting the
right partion. Any modern 2.6.2x is going to require them. Alsa is
automated to make your life easy.

However, you have a legitmate point about jfs support. So why didn't
you phrase your request as asking about jfs?

And as for other distros, the delta between what fedora ships and what
Ubuntu does is very very little. A few patches here or there and a few
different programs but 95%+ is the same code. (of course, some of this
is because OO.o is a bloated piece of crap.)


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