Steve Jobs and Benny Hinn (rant)

Kip Warner kip at
Mon Feb 18 06:36:46 UTC 2008

On Sun, 2008-02-17 at 21:52 -0700, webfriar wrote:
> Dear Kip
> Could I take this to mean you are really pissed at Steve Jobs.  I mean I 
> would not compare my worst enemy to Benny Hinn for fear folks would flock to 
> his product.  Benny Hinn leaves a bad, no a massively bad taste in many a 
> mouth in ministry, that is the ministries that are left to repair the damage 
> that Hinn leaves everywhere he goes.  Heck, I would not be surprised if 
> Pastor Hinn is richer than Bill Gates, because he does not have to declare 
> it.
> So I would ask you dear friends to please cease comparing anyone or thing, 
> other than a lump of xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx to dear Pastor Hinn.  God has got 
> a wonderful surprise for him when he slips off the mortal coil here on 
> earth.
> Fr. "Prayer 2.0"  Dave (David Francis)

Fair enough. Ol' Ben is probably running Leopard, listening to his own
sermons with iTunes.

Kip Warner -- Software Engineer
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