about WINE ... and...

Alfred alfred.s at nexicom.net
Fri Feb 1 00:14:43 UTC 2008

Hi Tried Wine on Ubuntu 7.10, but it runs in a very small window, and
the apps i wanted to run, the fonts in them were so small, i installed
Winders on another hard Drive to run them.

Then we played with VirtualBox. I put Win98se in it, it installed OK,
and run, but after the install, we could not install any programs,
because the Shared Folder, and USB ports would not work in the Virtual
Box. It's only a year old now, and give it some time, it might get
working very well.

I've not used Cedega, or Cross-Office, but these might run some u-soft

-----Original Message-----
From: Philippe Beaulieu <foxlore at gmail.com>
Reply-To: The Canadian Ubuntu Users Community
<ubuntu-ca at lists.ubuntu.com>
To: ubuntu-ca at lists.ubuntu.com
Subject: about WINE ... and...
Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2008 17:09:36 -0500

WOW... I didn't that much about WINE until I actually had to run a
Microsoft application on my Ubuntu station...
and upgrading it I went to their website,  now I didn't you could run
that much of Microsoft on it !!
 yeah I know I don't seems that excited... but I was wondering if
anybody had or used WINE and were
able to use all of their Microsoft application on it ?? I don't know I
haven't tried yet but I'm quite excited !!

I run a windows XP and a Ubuntu at home,  most application (OK all of
them) I use are on windows... but I have been
wanting to moved to Linux a long time ago but never did because of all
the apps I'm using (yeah some games also!! )

in any case...  anybody ever done that ... without problems??

on a different note...

Patrick,  the Ubuntu entrepreneurs is quite interesting... 
  I used to (15y ago) design and program hardware interface ... nothing
big but still,
and was done on old XT system with C ...   times have change I know but
I still used
to do it!! in any case if your looking into your testing equipment
if you have stats and the sorts...  drop me an email...

Philippe Beaulieu

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