Is there a release party? The mailing list has been silent

Bob Jonkman bjonkman at
Sat Apr 26 03:11:07 UTC 2008

There are several Hardy Parties.  I'll be at the Toronto party at Linuxcaffe, tomorrow, 26 
April 2008 at 4:00pm EDT (although I'll be there closer to 5:00pm)

A list of other Canadian parties is at

Other places are available too :-)


This is what JohnD <ubuntu-ca at> said
about "Is there a release party? The maili" on 25 Apr 2008 at 21:16

> If I'm able to, I'd like to come if for no other reason than to meet
> other Linux users, i'm sick of preaching to the unconverted.
> Anyways, enjoying my Friday night off.
> -- 
> ubuntu-ca mailing list
> ubuntu-ca at

-- -- -- --
Bob Jonkman <bjonkman at>
SOBAC Microcomputer Services              Voice: +1-519-669-0388
6 James Street, Elmira ON  Canada  N3B 1L5  Cel: +1-519-635-9413
Software   ---   Office & Business Automation   ---   Consulting

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