Giving up leadership of Ubuntu Canada

Dave Sullivan dave at
Fri Sep 21 17:28:54 UTC 2007

I've been incredibly inactive lately, but I'd just like to thank Corey for his 
leadership and committment to not just the Canadian Ubuntu community, but the 
worldwide community as well.

Good luck in the future.

Dave Sullivan
dave at

On Friday 21 September 2007 12:43 pm, Corey Burger wrote:
> Hey all,
> As I recently announced[1], I am headed back to school and thus will
> have less time to run Ubuntu Canada. As such, I would love to somebody
> to step up and help up with running this team.
> I also need somebody to help admin this mailing list. Admining the
> list requires about 20 minutes each night to approve mailings by
> people who might have sent without being subscribed.
> [1]
> Cheers,
> Corey

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